Of all the elements that make up an effective digital marketing and web development campaign, web design is the element that gives our clients the most headaches. Don’t worry about web design and leave the creation of your online company in the capable hands of our web development experts.
Let’s review a few of the principles we follow in designing attractive and content driven company websites
Simple Layout
For some reason, many companies believe that the more complex a web design is the more attractive visitors will find the website. However, elaborate web designs actually deter visitors from exploring what you have to offer online. From creating double-digit frames to adding a scroll tool that moves left to right, instead of up to down, you produce unnecessary navigation issues for the customer prospects you want to turn into lifelong patrons of your brand.
White space represents one of the most important features of a simple website layout. Creating white space next to important content allows your website visitors to focus on the content and not on some distracting visual feature.
Use Sans Serif Fonts
What works on paper does not work as well on a computer monitor. Such is the case with Sans Serif fonts. For printed paper, Sans Serif fonts are difficult to read. However, because of lower resolution computer screens, Sans Serif fonts represent the best font style to present website content. You also should remain consistent and use the same type of Sans Serif font throughout the website. Limiting the types of fonts to at most three ensures your visitors enjoy easy reading of professionally presented content. If you want to mix it up, select commonly available fonts that include Arial, Verdana, and Helvetica.
Graphics Can Slow Your Site Down
One of the most valued web design services we provide involves creating images that are large enough to produce outstanding quality, but small enough to ensure quick page loads. Nothing frustrates website visitors more than having to wait for website pages to download because of the time it takes to load graphics and images. We optimize your images to ensure a pleasant surfing experience for every visitor to your website. Moreover, images and graphics must complement the content. Uploading a photo of your new car on a page that discusses how to maintain a healthy lawn does not make sense.
Test and Retest
You have to put yourself in the shoes of your website visitors. This means testing and retesting your website in multiple browsers. The super fast uploading times your readers experience in Firefox might not be as quick using Google Chrome. Other website design elements that can differ among browsers include image appearances and the size of the fonts. Your goal is to reach as wide of an audience as possible, which requires you to test and retest web pages in every browser available for consumer use.
The Importance of Responsive Mobile Design
A rapidly growing number of consumers want to access information from mobile devices to make informed decisions about purchasing products and services. In fact, statistics demonstrate consumers often make buying decisions on the go. What does this mean for your company? It means you have to create a website that mobile devices can access quickly. Remember that mobile devices have much smaller screens and the devices display some fonts differently. Responsive mobile device web design adapts to the size of the screen used by your website visitors.
The increase in mobile device users to make product purchases requires you to adapt to the rapidly changing web design landscape. Our team of accomplished professionals removes the complex nature of web development from your full plate by taking full ownership of it to get your brand noticed online.
Contact us today to learn more about our web development services.